The brand and logo
Alexandra Mantelato Neiva
Creating something starts very slowly. The idea comes up and you shelve it because you think it's no big deal or that you're going crazy and maybe it would be too bold to try to create something.
A thought here, another there and when you least expect it, everything resurfaces and it becomes impossible not to pay attention to the inner voice that reminds you every day that you need to act.
It's also not about creating something just for yourself, as a mere satisfaction for the ego, but to somehow touch people's minds and hearts.
I didn’t just want to create a brand, but something that also linked “De Mala Na Mão” to my name “Alexandra Mantelato Neiva”.
One night I couldn't sleep, and then with the tip of my finger I started writing in the air until I fell asleep. When I woke up I had the idea of a drawing that I was improving. That same day, after lunch, I went to sunbathe a little and then the colors appeared. The golden yellow of the sun and its silver shine made me get up, pick up a pen, paper and start scribbling.
The two letters “M” in the logo were made directly in gold.
The silver became an “A” on the inside of the larger “M”, also forming an “N”.
Ready! The De Mala na Mão logo also identified my name.
The idea was passed on to the designer and after countless details and changes, we arrived at the final result that was duly registered with the INPI.
Very bold!